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How To Trim Laminate Countertop Without A Router

how to trim laminate countertop without a router

Are you interested in learning How To Trim Laminate Countertop Without A Router? router is the tool that makes the cutting possible. In order to cut a hard material (such as laminates) accurately, a router is needed. If you don't have a router, you can use a pair of scissors and a chisel to accomplish the task. Here are some tips on how to trim laminate countertop without a router.


The first step is to remove the first layer of laminate from the wall. You can do this by using a hot or cold blower. For instance, if you are doing a full cut, then attach the blade with its cutting end to a heated attachment on the router, such as the revolving arm. Remove the blade from the heat source, then move it over the cut area on the wall. Make sure the router is at an angle and that it is not touching the wood below.


Once the router is cool enough to touch the surface of the wood, use the other side to make a mark. This will guide you in cutting the laminate. Using the same direction and also the same temperature as before, make the cut. If the router is difficult to maneuver, start with a low speed and work your way up to more aggressive speeds.

How To Trim Laminate Countertop Without A Router


There are two ways for you to cut this type of laminate countertop without a router. The first is to use a miter saw. Take the time to learn how to use a miter saw, so you will know what to do and what not to do. Using the router to cut through the laminate is easier than some people may think, but it still takes practice to get it just right.

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The second method of how to trim laminate countertop without a router is to use a mitre saw. This tool is similar to a cross cutter in many ways. The only difference is that it does not have a fence. Mitre saws can be used to cut through all types of laminate including floating laminate. A mitre saw with a compound teeth will cut the boards evenly along their grain.

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A diamond plate router is the last option for you to learn how to trim laminate countertop without a router. It is an expensive piece of machinery, but if you have the money for it, then it may be your only option. Diamond plate routers have metal pieces mounted to the outside of the plate. Each plate has a diamond piece with a cross cut edge. When you move the diamond plate across the surface of the wood or laminate, the cut edges make the cuts along the grain of the material.

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The best way for how to trim laminate countertop without a router is to use a hand saw with a carbide tip. The cut is straight down the grain and the angles are perfect. The only thing to remember when using a router to cut this type of wood is to make sure your cutting direction is going down the grain not across it. When you trim across the grain of the cut lines will become crooked and there may be large pieces of cut wood left behind. It is harder to shave a large piece of wood with a router than it is with a hand saw so take that into consideration.


A router can help you get the best results if you know how to trim laminate countertop without a router. Using a router helps make the best cuts because it helps you maintain the same angle throughout the cut. If you have a router that does not have a good angle it may save you some time but it will cost you more time in the long run. If you need to get a clean trim with very little time spent on the job then a router may be what you need.

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