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Chinese Zodiac Sign Predictions For The Year Of The Snake

The Chinese Zodiac is commonly known as the Chinese Year Of The Snake and is one of the major astrological cycles in the Chinese astrology system. The Snake is often the second of the twelve-year cycle of celestial animals that appear in the Chinese lunar calendar associated with the Chinese lunar calendar. The year of the snake usually falls between October and November and the Spring Festival, which is the longest festival of the Chinese lunar calendar. The Chinese character for the snake is also called "Ao." This meaning literally means "ashes".

year of the snake


Throughout this Chinese year, Chinese people give importance to a snake which they call "Ai." This snake represents a kind of person or character that is ambitious and strives to excel in any endeavor. They are usually born leaders who have an insatiable appetite for knowledge and information. When this snake is able to accomplish their ambitions and show off their prowess, they are revered and their character becomes a symbol of success and power in Chinese society. The snake is often shown as a young woman adorned in fine jewelry carrying a large bowl.


The snake people typically wear lotus flowers on their lips and along their hair. They have many of these special characteristics but also share a number of other characteristics with other cultures. For example, Chinese snake people traditionally believe that snakes do not talk. However, they can be expressive through body language. They may smile, grimace, make faces, raise their tail, and even sneeze. They can communicate through sounds and symbols as well as touch.

Chinese Zodiac Sign Predictions for the Year of the Snake


The Chinese believe that every year there is a new cycle for everything including the time of birth for every person. They also believe that each of us was born at different times depending on the five elements - earth, fire, metal, water, wood. The snake symbolizes the element of wood and is believed to represent longevity and power. The snake also represents a person's will to become what they want to be.

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A Chinese lunar calendar and an ancient Chinese lunar calendar are the only calendars that accurately determine the time of year. Chinese lunar calendar dates are based on a calendar which does not change for twelve months. Chinese lunar calendar dates are based on the moon, which only moves through the phases once every 28 days. So every Chinese lunar year, the exact date of birth for any given person can be determined using the traditional Chinese lunar calendar.

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People who are born in the New Year have one of four zodiac signs. These four Chinese zodiac signs are known as the "chi", "qi", "sheng" and "fu". The four Chinese zodiac signs are named after animals, which are representative of those elements. For example, the bird of the same name signifies the water element and the snake which are representative of the fire element. When it comes to choosing a lucky charm, one can always depend on the Chinese astrology zodiac signs to find the best matches.

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Chinese people traditionally believe that their luck can change dramatically just by looking at the Chinese character that is either written or stamped on the item. For this reason, charm bracelets have been very popular over the years. This is because they are considered to be very lucky charm bracelets. Basically, the charm of these bracelets are the personality traits that are believed to be incorporated in these bracelets. These personality traits can include the following: courage, generosity, harmony, truthfulness, idealism, justice, wealth and prosperity.


Based on the traditional astrology, people who are born in the year of the snake have a very strong will. Thus, they can be considered ideal role models for children who want to be good and brave. On the other hand, those who are born in the year of the tiger are considered to have an ironclad heart. They can be very bold and do not hesitate to take risks even if it means losing their life.

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