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How To Unblock Yourself On Whatsapp Without Having To Download An App!

If you're an iPhone user and you want to learn How To Unblock Yourself On Whatsapp, chances are you've experienced some strange things along the way. There are many tricks to try, but did you know that sometimes, all you have to do is to send the person a message asking him/her to unlock you? Actually, there are ways to do it but if you don't have any other choice to contact the person asking for you to unlock yourself, then you too can unlock yourself from your whatsapp account. Yes, it's really possible.

how to unblock yourself on whatsapp


So what can you do if you want to learn how to unblock yourself on whatsapp? First of all, you can try to send a text message to the person asking for you to be unlocked. Usually, this doesn't work because if the person already had an active whatsapp account, he/she will not be able to read yours because he/she will be using the default settings. This may lead to you getting blocked again. Try other options like sending a picture attachment instead of a text message or a picture you've taken with your camera.


Another trick on how to unblock yourself on whatsapp when you're blocked is by setting your status to the unavailable status. Whenever you send a message to another person and it was just before you were blocked, the message will not go through. To do this, just go to the settings and click on Messages and select Add Person, then choose your current account and click on Send.

How to Unblock Yourself On Whatsapp Without Having to Download An App!


To successfully learn how to unblock yourself on whatsapp, you must first figure out why you're being blocked. If you're using a mobile messaging service for the first time, chances are that there might be some unknown persons that you haven't introduced yourself to yet. To easily send messages to other users on this service, there's no better option than using a web-based chat client. With this, you will be given a chance to create a fake account in the name of someone else, which is linked to your real account.

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Once you're done setting up your bogus account, you should proceed to downloading an app called Instant Messenger. Once you install this app, you can contact your mutual friend by typing her or his name into the app and hitting send. Now, when you receive messages from this mutual friend, you can delete them one by one. This is the easiest way on how to unblock yourself on whatsapp while blocking someone.

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However, if you want to block someone from messaging you using an app, then there's a better option. Instead of downloading or installing an app, you should try a few methods first. First, you can perform a search in your phone's address book. By pressing the + sign and entering the words i.e., android, you will be able to access your phone's address book. There you can see the contacts and their contact numbers.

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If you're having trouble locating the correct contact name of your mutual friend using your address book, then you should use an internet chat group. To find a chat group, you can simply do a search in your web browser for keywords like "IM chats", "ICQ chat groups" and so on. Once you are in one of these chat groups, you will have the option to register as a member. Once you're already a member, you can simply introduce yourself or simply stop chatting with that blocked person. You may have to wait a couple of minutes before somebody finds you so you better be fast or else you might not get a chance to talk to that person again.


The final method on how to unblock yourself on whatsapp is probably the easiest one. It involves searching the name of the person who has blocked you through a normal Google search. The words they used to search for will appear, along with their location. With that location, you can simply locate where they are and block them from returning. For instance, if they are in California but the name they used to search for their account is "ukraine", simply block them from contacting you through their IP address. You'll never know - maybe you'll even get lucky and they will give up and move on to someone who doesn't block.

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