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How To Survive A Nuclear Bomb Explosion

If you're wondering how to survive a nuclear explosion, read these tips for surviving this deadly weapon. While a nuclear explosion will kill almost everyone inside, there are ways to keep yourself safe and still be comfortable. You'll need to stay inside a building for at least 24 hours. While you may be tempted to run for safety, you can't afford to risk the possibility of radiation poisoning. You can save up to 10,000 lives by sheltering in place, so it's best to stay in your home or elsewhere.

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how to survive a nuclear bomb

If you live in a building with a basement, the first thing you should do is find a place to hide. If you're in a building, get to the basement first. Don't try to run if you can, because you'll be blinded by the flash and won't be able to see very well. You'll also need to stay indoors for about 24 hours.

A nuclear bomb travels at 1,250 kilometers per hour, so you'll only have twenty seconds to flee to safety. That's less than the time you need to run to the store to buy a new pair of shoes. A 200-kilopascal blast is enough to knock down all buildings in its path, and send vehicles flying. In fact, you need to stay in a building for at least two hours before leaving the building.

How to Survive a Nuclear Bomb Explosion

During the detonation, turn away from the explosion and remain inside. Wear masks and keep a minimum of six feet away from the building. Do not attempt to run, because the flash of radiation will blind you and your ears will be damaged. Instead, try to remain flat, and listen to the media for official information about the situation. You will also need to be aware of the radiation levels outside, which are highest immediately after the blast.

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Remember that a nuclear bomb will cause radiation. You won't be able to run outside to find food. Therefore, you'll need to stay inside your building for at least 48 hours. Cover your head and arms to protect yourself. Afterwards, use the remaining supplies to stay alive. Make sure to put all of your supplies in a cool, dry place. It's a good idea to take food with you wherever you are.

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If you're outside during the detonation, you'll want to stay out of the way of the explosion. This is a very important step when trying to survive a nuclear attack. If you are inside a building, you'll want to move to a basement or an upper floor. Once the blast has passed, turn your back to the blast site and remain flat. As the blast passes, try not to move. This can cause more damage to your body than you can imagine.

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Once you've gotten a clear view of the explosion, you'll be able to see it for as long as possible. You'll also be able to hear and feel the radio. If you're surrounded by buildings, you'll need to make sure everyone is inside a basement, as well. In a situation like this, it's wise to stay indoors as long as possible.

It's best to get to a shelter in advance. You'll need a place to hide. A basement will help you avoid getting trapped in a collapsed building. During a nuclear blast, you should always stay indoors. If you're outside, try to keep your distance from the blast zone. The light damage zone may not be visible but the debris will scatter throughout the area.

The best way to survive a nuclear bomb is to prepare for it. Before the detonation, stay indoors. Even if you're inside, minimize your contact with radioactive materials. The longer you stay inside, the more exposure you'll experience, and the more dangerous the effects will be. You can prevent the effects of radiation by staying inside a building during a nuclear detonation.

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