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How To Change Font Style In Whatsapp

Are you looking for How To Change Font Style In Whatsapp? Then, this article is for you. I will discuss three ways on how to change fonts in whatsapp. When we are talking about the internet, there are so many ways of communication that we can do with it. So many people have adapted to using internet messaging and have even learned how to use it on their phones.


The question that arises is how to communicate using the internet. There are two ways - using regular text and using bold or italic fonts. We can either do it by composing messages with HTML text or with third-party apps such as i messaging or Whatsapp messenger. Nowadays, mobile phones also support a customized user interface that looks exactly like the one we see on a PC or laptop. That is why, many people prefer to use third-party apps to get the feature they are looking for.


One way on how to change the font style in whatsapp is through using HTML text messages. Before we get to that, let us understand the three different types of font used in text messages. They are as follows:

How To Change Font Style In Whatsapp


* HTC fonts - HTC uses the HTC fonts option in its web browser. This font style is available for all settings, regardless of screen resolution and pixel density. For instance, this font style is available for portrait mode and landscape mode. If you are sending a picture message, then this font style is the best option for your whole message.

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* Google fonts - Google used to use its in-built format, but it has also introduced the Google fonts option in its web browser. The Google fonts option enables the user to select the default format for all text messages. The default format includes italics, bold, and other special characters. However, there are other font styles that can be set to include certain characters. These characters include the! symbol, the % character, and others.

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* Microsoft fonts - MS uses the Microsoft faces font style in its web browser. However, this font style does not work in iOS devices and is not available in Google Play Store. There are, however, various alternatives that can be selected while composing a text message. These include Latin letters, Arabic numerals, and the Courier font. If you are using the Arabic numerals, then you can add a zero to make the number smaller. Similarly, using the Latin letters gives prominence to the upper case letters and enables one to use italics and bold to highlight texts.

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* iPhone keyboard - Most iPhones have a physical keyboard, which enables the user to enter text messages. Apple uses the iPhone keyboard as the source text when sending messages in its I Messages application. The only difference between this keyboard and the I Messages application is that I Messages app uses the standard text input methods for entering text messages, while the iPhone keyboard uses the touch-tone feature of the device for selecting words. The easiest way to select a suitable font style in iPhone keyboard is to go in the Settings section of the iPhone and select Keyboard.


So, these are the fonts available in the Google play store which can be used to change the appearance of text in your Android device. This is just a basic overview of the different types of fonts that are available in Google play store. You can always find more such fonts by visiting some of the online Android sites. You can also learn more about various Android text fonts by visiting official android f Developers site.

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