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Lay Vs Liable

lay vs lie

Lay vs. Lie: What's the difference between these two essential life choices? In many ways they are the same, but Lay includes the acknowledgment that you must sometimes take a step back to look at all of your actions. You may have been told since childhood that lying is right and that you mustn't question it. That we must "believe" in what we are saying or we will be hurt.

lay vs lie is entirely useful to know, many guides online will achievement you roughly Lay Vs Lie, however i recommend you checking this Lay Vs Lie . I used this a couple of months ago later i was searching on google for Lay Vs Lie


We are taught from an early age the importance of telling the truth. It's all "telling the truth is better than being false." The truth is only known by those who have seen it all and done it all. So it goes with everything else in life - lying only comes naturally for some people and is looked upon with disdain by others.


Unfortunately, the truth doesn't always come readily available. In fact, it can be downright impossible to find out the whole truth about anything these days. We tend to become more closed minded as we grow up. We are socialized to think that there is only one true way to view the world and that's the way that everyone agrees with. But the truth is that our world is always changing.

Lay Vs Liable


It was a revelation for me when I read a book recently by a renowned expert on lying and its impact on our society. The author, Richard Davidson, PhD, makes the point that our legal system was never designed to handle situations where the innocent can be falsely accused of something they didn't do. The courtroom has evolved over the years to the point that lawyers have more sophisticated technology to present their clients with evidence that refutes their version of events. In other words, the truth is not always available to the lawyers.

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There are many other examples throughout Dr. Davidson's book where he points out how lying is not always an innocent act. Take, for example, the scene in the movie, The Thin Red Line where Robert Duvall plays a military lawyer who is convinced that his client committed a murder in order to get the publicity it deserved. He tells his client, "The papers say you did it." In fact, there were no newspapers or news agencies at that time and there were no public records to peruse in order to find out if such a crime had been committed.

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When I read this scene from the movie, I thought to myself how many times a lawyer would not take the time to check the paper or the public records in order to confirm a client's statement. But often, lawyers put so much pressure on their clients to tell the truth that they themselves will not do the due diligence necessary to discover the truth. As a result, many innocent people go to jail for crimes they did not commit. In the movie, the press was blamed for this; but the real blame lays with the military lawyers who did not perform due diligence before allowing the case to go forward. This is a terrible scenario, but perhaps worse is that this type of situation could happen to anyone.

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We have all heard the story about a lawyer who tried to save a drowning man by telling him his life story only to have the man say that he did not remember anything of the story. The court believed him because he repeated it many times and believed him. Had the man known that the water was freezing cold and the current was strong, he very well may have had a heart attack instead.


It is up to us as citizens of the United States to make sure our lawyers are following the law. Otherwise we may be forced to hire another lawyer that believes in lying to help win cases. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. Perhaps you can use this information to help other people avoid being lied to. Please consider all this and think on it.

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