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How To Survive An Earthquake

There are many ways to survive an earthquake. The first thing to do is to stay in your car. If you are in a building, take the stairs to the upper floors. After the quake, more debris may fall. Aftershocks can also occur, which are smaller earthquakes that may follow an earthquake. You should call emergency services and check on family members. Once the quake has stopped, you should head for a safe place.

how to survive an earthquake

The most important tip for survival is to remain indoors. Get under a sturdy object or go outside. If you can, move to an area that has no exterior walls. Cover your head with your hands, and hold onto the object for support. Do not move during the earthquake. You should also stay away from falling power lines or buildings. The next step in How To Survive An Earthquake is to get to a safe place, such as a car, house, or other building.

Before the earthquake starts, be alert for signs of damage. If you are in a building, try to stay indoors and avoid glass. If you have pets, try to find a place to stay where you can stay with them. If you are in a bed, try to cover your head with a pillow, and stay inside until the shaking stops. You should call loved ones to let them know you are safe and not to worry.

How to Survive an Earthquake

The most important part of how to survive an earthquake is to get out of the building. Once the shaking has stopped, the most important thing to do is move from your safe zone to a safer one. Once you're outside, make sure to check for injuries, and tend to any injured individuals immediately. If you notice any, do not move or touch anyone who is seriously hurt. Only stabilize an injured person and continue to move to a safer location.

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During an earthquake, it is important to stay in your building as far as possible. If you are in a building with glass windows, you should move away from them immediately. The first thing to do is to find a safe place and hold on tightly to it. As soon as you feel an earthquake, you should remain in your building as safe as possible. In an earthquake, people should try to get to a safe place as quickly as possible.

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When an earthquake strikes, you should remain indoors as much as possible. It is very important to remain in the building as long as possible. You should avoid rushing outside during an earthquake and should look for a safe place to stay. As the shaking stops, it is important to stay in a safe place and avoid moving to a new location. If you can't get out of the building, you should stay in the vehicle.

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While you are in a high-rise building, you should "drop" low to the ground. When you feel a strong earthquake, stay under a sturdy object. While this isn't a good place to be, you can try to stay under a sturdy object. During an earthquake, you can even use your arms to cover your head. During a high-rise building, you should remain in your seat. If you're in a theater, stay away from the windows and avoid the floor. If you're driving, you can use the wheels to support your body.

During an earthquake, you should get out of the building and find a safe place. While attempting to evacuate, keep in mind that aftershocks may follow. You should move from your safe zone to a safe spot and avoid moving seriously injured people. If you have a bed in the building, hold onto the pillow to prevent injury. After the shaking stops, you should look for a safe place to go.

If you're in a building, you should "drop" low to the ground. Position yourself under a solid object, such as a wall or a sturdy table. If you're in a car, you should get out of the building as quickly as possible and drive to a high-rise. Once outside, stay calm and wait for the earthquake to end. If you don't feel safe, leave the house and move to a safe place.

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