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How To Get A Good Ending In Mystic Messenger

This is the question I have been wondering about while reading Stephen King's "How To Get A Good Ending In Mystic Messenger." I'm a big fan of his and it caught my attention when he wrote this novel. In this review I will examine what I think are the strengths and weaknesses of this novel. I'll also compare "how to get a good ending in mystic messenger" with similar novels that have come before it.


The novel starts out with the author stating "A man comes up to a girl in a bar, reaches into her purse, pulls out a wad of cash, holds it up to her ear and says, 'I need a good girl like you to become the love of my life." I found this quite intriguing and soon realized that the "good girl" was named Anna. Anna was the secretary to Anna's husband, Jack. I didn't know anything about Anna at all and this was the first introduction I got into this character. The novel quickly delved into the story of Anna and how she met Jack.


I liked that after learning so much about the background of Anna, we got to learn more about her love interest as well. That's just how good the book is. We learn so much about these characters, the people they come into contact with, their emotions and how they interact with others. The relationships they form with others in the book also made me think about my own relationships. They are very common and happen to so many people.

How to Get a Good Ending in Mystic Messenger


How to Get a Good Ending in Mystic Messenger is written in a very casual and relaxed way. You don't feel pressure or hurried when reading this book. The writing style flows easily and there is no need for any great degree of reading ability. I really liked that and appreciated the positive message the author was trying to convey.

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Anna is young and beautiful and has a very good life ahead of her. However, something is wrong. She is being followed by two men that are equally threatening. One of them has a mysterious power and the other wants to control the wealth and Anna needs to find out who this man is.

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What happens next is like what you would expect in a mystery story. You have to piece together all the clues and eventually come to the answer. I especially enjoyed how the author keeps us guessing throughout the story. There were some sections where I didn't quite understand the situation I was in, yet I soon understood why. It's nice to keep readers interested in the main characters and the main plot until you reach the end.

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The final chapter in How to Get a Good Ending in Mystic Messenger left me wondering if I had found a gem of a book. The answer is yes. This final chapter left me begging for more. The story was exciting and the plot very intricate. It took a while to put everything together and I was glad that I got through it. The last thing I wanted after such a long read was to have to start it all over again and wonder how I was going to get it back around myself.


I am so glad that I got the book. I love the story and all the twists and turns. I feel that it's a good introduction to the supernatural world as you get to learn a little bit about these characters before diving into more serious and scary endings. I look forward to reading more from Jo Walton and this series.

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